i just receive a big new.It was really pain new from my friend. I cant blame anyone. It is not their problem.When i heard that, me just like falling down from the climbing.My heart make me so pain.Why the thing i really likes but cant belong to me??is me greed for these?i m too much?? i m really appreciate wat i have. i just relaise that they are not really mine.Really just not mine.I just happy like a noob that i can be more close with all these.I just realise that. i ask myself. y was i so stupid .why should i make myself like that?i had fall down before..y must i keep fight for nothing untill now? sometimes i really hate my fate. y everything from my side will start to futher with me.And also let me close up a while, then force to leave again. I was so stupid.Why everytime made myself like that..i m wrong wrong wrong. what wrong? wrong to close up with music.............