
Showing posts from March, 2009

15/3 3 days trip

start from 13, it was the date that loke yew come to kl for trip and visit the education fair in mid valley mega mall. I will talk them one by one. 12/3 I were frustrated with the streamyx problem and just call the technical to come and fix it. Do not know why I am so anger with them. They are really not effective to treat customer. And i just refuse to go home because i cannot online at home. Since i m so bored to stayed at home. I were brought my laptop to Steven corner and surf net. Actually their line also slow. So I just stole the wifi Internet service from station One that is not far away from where I sat. then I were received call from Loke Yew and he say he will take bus on Friday morning 10. I just promised him that I will be in PuDu to meet him. 13/3 Friday I had class from 8 to 12. Suddenly lecturer said that will have a replacement class for next week. I just worried that cannot be in time to meet Loke yew. I called him to wait me for an hour and I will take friend's ca...

10/3 過期生日快樂

祝彥瑩生日快樂。。電話被我打爆了,沒錢祝賀啦。。su ri ma se~ 5點鐘。不用鬧鐘的,我就爬起來了。。好像老人。。lol 可能沒把功課做完吧。我使盡九牛二虎之力,把兩篇報告書寫完,到剛好時間,上學去咯。 中午去了wj家拿了東西,就到傍晚了,在家了看我小時候未完成的動畫。。 剛看完,突然感到房間好小,很安靜,寂寞的感覺又來了,在我身心上扭曲著,好不舒服。。好像哭。。。

9/3 low yat plaza

其實窮到身上沒有幾分錢,還跟著去。。。 看了一大堆又沒錢買,不喜歡啦。。我是物質主義。。啊啊啊啊啊啊。。。 神經病,晚上回家,還在highway 迷路,搞了半天,終于到家。 現在在寫給大家看,8.43pm。 掰,要睡了。。 晚安!

8/3 三八婦女節快樂

其實要個題目而已。。 在家里做宅男。。全天不出門。。 感謝家杰的moderm...愿意留在我們家,甚至他也一起留下。。。 夜晚到來。。安靜無比。。寂寞感覺很重 突然蜜蜂團又來了。。。。哈哈對不起,給你們取了一個名字。。。很喜歡跟他們一起笑。。因為所有藍色思想都會抹去。很快樂。。。雖然我不可以很瘋,但看到大家瘋,無比滿足。。

7/3 成績啊!!

其實是昨天發生的事。每個人都很緊張的去line得到自己的成績。雖然我內心很緊張,可是偶表現到很冷靜,無聊。緊張到把指甲都弄到脫離我的手指,痛死了.. 其實是留來彈吉他的。。痛。。 當得知自己的成績,發現數學有個B+,高興死了。。。最高興是這個吧。。。其他還可以再接再厲。。加油咯。。 其是我發現老爸好喜歡我念IT。。雖然我不是很喜歡。。為了家人,我真心愿意。。。

6/3 老了啦

今天,老師又在講道理了,miss cheng ar miss cheng,不知道為什么那么喜歡你講的一些東西,即現實又貼切。可能我是一個很現實又情緒化的人,很喜歡這一類的話。。 她說身為一個學生,當我們有了 " mistake" (她很強調這個詞),有時一個對不起就可以了事,又或則放著不管,問題也可能淡化。學生就是那么簡單。但當我們到了社會,開始工作了,那肯定就會大大相反。因為大家都在為自己爭取,如過你犯了 “mistake” 那就必須付上自己的責任,把你的錯給予代價,甚至于被革職!! 雖然她的目的是要我們把現在做好,可是她又給我很大的啟示。。 明年。。。我的年齡會在1的歲數變成2字頭了。是不是會背負更多的責任呢?? 好不希望長大,好多煩惱。。 當個小孩多好。。。。

5/3 新體會

今天朦朧在家里出門,當然是像往常一樣,趕著去上課。 很乖的今天,超專心聽課的。可是當發現難題時,那打破砂鍋問到底的性格又來了,問到不肯走。。 也很巧的遇到了一些senior介紹我去做工,當然高興咯,所以坐了下來聽他們說話,說說一下就變成吐苦水大會,口水一把,眼淚也來。感情,真的那么難嗎?還是我們太要求完美了? 不過,聽到了一句很銘心的話她說,“在不同的社會,漸漸成長的我們,還有影響我們的環境,都會改變我們的想法。” 突然覺得,這一年來,改變了我不少的的想法,很多事都和以前不一樣了。 我相信在不同的年齡,有不同的體會與想法吧。。不過我還是有我的堅持。。幼稚嗎?

4/3 Sing K

today Xiang just called me out for sing. I m just addicted to sing and not bear to reject him..funny..After gather with all the friends then we were having taxi there.I dont know why Xiang was so angry to the taxi driver for the special fare that charge for us and was scolding the taxi driver with a quiet voice .It just looks funny... The days was finished after we had our sing and back to home.. they were decided to come to my house home at nite..another energetic~~


happy birthday to yi long~~to my dearest friend... today was my first day of class and i had late for it.The bus was pretty slow and i waited for 45 minutes to have a bus to take me sch.Fortunaly the miss din't not say anything.But i felt that i had gave her a bad image to her... so bad luck today.. 還是金錢緊張時期。。。

1/3 收拾

終于進到家了,要做的,就是收拾。收拾積滿灰塵的家,收拾放假的心情,準備上學去。 當我打開房門,一股濃濃的霉味撲鼻而來。看來又要累了。。真的好像新年,大掃除。當把所有事都干完。躺下剛換好的床單,看著自己剛打掃完,清潔的房間,兩個字 滿足。。 很期待上課的時間,因為假期太久,更想上課了。。要加倍努力咯~~ 大家也在努力吧? 努力去碩造一個滿意的自己。。

28/2 家

本來覺定要今天才到啊姨家去拿行李的,可是昨天搞了一大堆麻煩,所以在那過了一夜。。今天阿姨全家人要吃火鍋,我也去軋一腳,加入他們。很久沒有那么痛快的吃一頓了,真是山珍海味,什么都有。不過更重要的,大家讓我覺得這樣才像一個家,我發現家里,根本沒有這樣的一個情況,家人每個都毫無偏見,大家很快樂的在掙東西吃,沒有一絲的憂愁或怒氣。感覺好溫暖。。 我的家要幾時,才有那么一天可以跟他們一樣,一樣快樂。。。 吃飽后,我們都堆在客廳,講八卦,有說有笑。。突然間,端了大蛋糕出來,唱了生日快樂歌,原來他們約好慶祝表姐生日。當她許完愿,我問他是什么,他說他想要相機,啊姨直接從后面拿一個新型相機出來。我當場傻眼~~真好,要什么有什么。。。 我很期望我也有一個像阿姨的家。。。我真的希望。。。 聽了孫燕姿的“天黑黑”,更想家了。 家的感覺真好!

27/2 Back to KL

jsut packing like shit then go to take just make me forget to take many thing.. make myself angry.THe most worst thing was i forget to bring my house key.I got no way to go and i gonna to sleep beside the street.FOrtunaly i got aunt here and just simply move there first..thank god.. Sure was today forget to pray then become like writing in my aunt house..and i also cant go practice tomolo.Because all my stuff was store in my house..shit... bad luck today..

26/2 樂樂包包漸漸失失

稍微有點罪惡感,因為今晚是我說要去喝茶的,結果他在本地店內遺失了他的百多塊,IC,license,我當時好像是我不見了荷包,緊張到忙上忙下。可能我也有不見東西的經歷,蠻可憐他的. 但皮包是在當時要換位時,忘了拿。。很pe cheh..比賽誰比較冒失。。 不過過后去發泄。。打機去。。。蠻好玩的Left 4 Dead..讓我這個zombie愛好者愛不釋手。。。 下次再玩。。 希望他下次小心點。。其實我也要小心點。



19/2 Sport day in my secondary school








I m just trying to close everything, stop my mind or everything.keep everything away.But i was give up. how i wish to have a birthday and celebrate with all my friends.Remember, i love many ppl around me, and like pasar malam..熱鬧熱鬧。。。at last i m also cant beat myself down..i cant pass through myself..