
Showing posts from February, 2009

8/2 謊

我對大多數人說了一個謊,我說我去了外地, 過了生日也不會回來。。我是那么告訴所有人。我不知道為什么我要說這個謊,其實這也沒有多大的影響,也沒什么會理會吧。 我只想過個安靜的生日,一個沒人知道的生日。我很想埋沒我自己,不要笑。。 很無聊的做法,也沒有什么動力。。就讓謊給我一個安靜的一天,多幾天。。

7/2 對不起

對不起這個詞包涵了一個人的歉意與悔意,將其話傳到另個人那去,希望他把心里的怒火或悲哀化為原諒,也再次的牽連。。 而我是再多的對不起,也彌補不了一個人的心。我回想起一個朋友說過的話,他說“破了的玻璃,不管怎么修補,還是會有裂痕”。 原來,對不起不代表一切,他可能可以解決一些事,可是也可能根本不能解決事情。但除了對不起,我真的做不到什么了。。

6/2 自私

我發現我的灰色思想,又環繞了我的思緒。。 他是那么好的一個人,我卻不理會。 他是那么懂事的一人,我卻懵懂。 他是那么的乖巧,我卻不領情。 他是那么的簡單,我卻復雜化。 他是那么的善良,我卻欺負他。 那么好的人,我真不配。 我真自私。。。

5/2 無言的結局

我的自私 我的不負責任 我的對待 我的無言 終究是對不起。。。

3/2 周圍的回音

剛剛好的溫度,暖暖的躺椅,再來一杯冰涼的可樂,真享受。這一切,不就是我一直期待已久的假期嗎??可是現在,好像有點不太一樣,我又開始覺得念書真好。。真是超級無敵的三分鐘熱度。 現在的我,時間顛倒,還有差不多可以跟熊貓做朋友,臉色蒼白,就像是末期病患要say bye bye.當我起床,都已經是傍晚時分了,沒幾個鐘,大家應該都要去睡了吧。。沒跟多少個 人說話, 又要回到面對四周圍的寂靜。 在夜晚,我覺得真的是靜得可以,我仿佛可聽見回音,讓人不安心啦。弄的我快瘋了,幾乎有點神經病 不管做什么,都會覺得沒心情,很心有余而力不足。不過剛發現了一個可以消磨時間的東西,就是開著風扇對著自己吹。好快活~~越來越跨張了,很享受對著它。。。 以上只是本人無聊過龍的做法,無需多疑。。

1/2 Holidays End for those friend

Actually I had a long Chinese new year for this year .Since every year I just passed through a really short new year, mean that this year I had a great new year days. But unfortunaly, it was a worst new year I think. Overrall I think It was ok because I got many friends here in kluang.Although many kind of unhappiest things happen around me but i still got many friends here accompany. For me my demand is so easy to satisfied because i just need to gather everyone and everyone talk like pasar malam and i will be so happy. Even just listen evryone talking talking and that enough for me. Easy rite??我喜歡熱鬧嘛~Keep up lo, evrybody that was study, prusue dream in the way~ KAMBATEH ~~ and thanks for being my friends

27/1 Mummy hometown

It takes 7 hours heading to my mum hometown in K ampar Ipoh . We were having our meal along the road and when we were reached, it had become night already. (Maybe a trip is to prevent the unhappy thing happen..) Reaching there we just saw many kind of old style house along the road.It just have a Big Road along.It just like bringing us back to the previous time in Malaysia. Actually mum still have some elders that live there and she wishing to see them again.Then, That night we were staying at my aunt house, And when we reached there, we saw most of the mummy sibling had there and having a big group casino there...This making me more likes here..everyone was smiling and no sorrow mood i think...i m the person who love Big family gather and having many event together..應該說熱鬧吧!! In between time, i try to drive around with my dad car and everything thing that i saw was mini size building like small police pondok , hospital , pasar malam , etc..The most surprise thing was i saw the su...

25/1 unhappiest happy chinese new year

As usual , we will celebrate the Chinese new year start from the day of the Chinese new year.Having the reunion dinner , praying for the peace, chat and go visit friends or try to make themselves in a new way , new style to welcome the new year.. But for this year, i think my home had became a place that is no more a home that we call, we just having argue, despite, and no more family love in my house.Look like too serious to celebrate a Chinese new year like that.. The word that come out from my house member, all become a sound pollution, making all of us , no mood , no use to continue to stay i home. I were trying to stop them , but look like the argue was going to burst everything out .Maybe i was a good situation to let ppl know their minds and thought.. i just cant tahan the mouth fighting and just go out by myself. coming day i just go out everyday to avoid everything from them.TH e good thing is i still got a lot of friends outside that will make me feel better. Eve...

24/01 going back for chinese new year

hey, it was a day that i finish my last paper for the exam and packing for going back to kluang,my lovely hometown. Wake up early in the morning, dunno why i had the power to wake myself that i never had .maybe is the date for the last test and ready go back to hometown. It been second sem for my college study. After packing and cleaning the house. Take my stationary and heading to the school. Heading to the place for my exam. After the test , letting the all the stress for the exam, and can celebrate the chinese new year without any disturb.hehe, waiting bus at the front door, but unfortunaly cant get any bus , maybe holidays coming, all going to break. I was so annoyed that i m also hanging a heavy luggage for going back. Until i hope to get a taxi. but lastly luckily can take the school bus.jimat money!! After waiting friends to take luggage too, we all get to pudu bus stop to take our kluang bus.meanwhile, we also take KFC as our lunch.Along the road, jalan ada sikit sesak. So , ...