
Showing posts from October, 2010

星星之火. S.H.E

S uddenly pop up in my mind, and i sing this song whole day... This song make me think of the life of secondary school.. really miss it! Zee chun always shout in the class. girls always got ppl to boycott. always sing bing bing pong pong.(dedicate to someone) Think till here I already laugh like hell. Really miss the day that no stress no trouble... Good Night! S.H.E - 星星之火 词:陈信延 曲:曹格 英文词:Selina 女孩越过小路爬上了山丘 那时的她还不懂为什么  萤火虫 都不动 停驻在夜空 点亮了小小宇宙 女孩慢慢长大却还是懵懂 那时的她 还不懂 为什么 大人们能抽空 为失恋喝杯酒 却没空看看星空 "不要 不要 忘了做过的梦" 天上星星 彷彿听她述说 兴奋地闪烁 我要变成那一颗星星 整夜都亮晶晶 不怕阴暗的黑影 骄傲地闪不停 Shining(Shining) 亮丽到月儿都妒忌 灿烂的一颗星星 一生也亮晶晶  因为夜归的背影 有了我的指引 Shining(Shining) 勇气就在你手心 女孩不再单纯却不够成熟 这时的她 虽然懂 为什么 美丽总有哀愁 每当有泪儿流 却回到那个宇宙 女孩 有天将会到哪里出走 哪时的她 总会问 为什么 一个梦那么重 只希望放弃前 能想起那片星空 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. Believe, believe, believe, you are the only star. A long time ago a little girl wanted to find her future. She went to the mountains and as...


I feel really stress on today phone call. It just like something cannot stand it anymore and burst. Kinda explode in my head. I wish to shout it out. 手心是肉,手背也是肉。

烂好人 - 下半段

我不是要写这些东西来让大家来同情我可怜我,我并不懦弱!!听清楚,如果你不喜欢,你大可以滚远点,不要看! 其 实是非常久以前的故事,因为我的拖泥带水,把这个故事拖到一年多。真是不可思议。 如果你还不知道什么事,麻烦你时光倒流,去看看我n年前写的一边文章,有点孩子气。但是事实! 故事专注在我老爸身上。其实没什么特别的。可是发生在我家的事,真的让人愤怒且悲哀。我家的家族,似乎是没有什么亲情可言。可能我说这句话有点让人不开心。可能我们每个人都在为自己着想罢了。 回到故事,话说我老爸,十六岁就跟我当时的大伯,他哥哥,踏出马来下。当时家里算是满风光的,就有几分钱。(从我公公的慈善回礼看得出)。当时我爸去了南美洲的某个地方,我忘了叫什么名字。去投靠我的远房亲戚,想说两兄弟出去闯闯。当时两兄弟几个字都不是很懂,当然遇到了非常多的困难与危机。可能外国人当时认为我们 ‘Asian’ 是个通常干坏事的人。所以做什么事情都有什么苦难。 在外国的几年,两兄弟有了少许的事业,我只记得我老爸在那开market,其他的我不知道,我还记得有辆车是黑蓝色的,还可以开棚。相信我,我还看过火箭升空。我老爸说当时就因为那请了很多劳工在那工作,所以便成我老爸做生意非常蓬勃。 我简短了些些。我还是在马来下出生的。我出生不久就跟我父母飞来飞去。(都是历史了。)过后还有在法国住过几年。我爸跟他哥当然是风光咯。哪里都有生意做,赚到了。 当然这个时候,别的兄弟姐妹也回来投靠,我爸当然帮了忙。我还记得有几个表哥表姐跟我一起住,我叔叔。 我不知道为什么当时老爸为什么要回来马来下。就全部回来了。我大伯没回来,他跟我爸协议,他留在那.那得的产业给他,马来下有的产业,我爸拿。老妈说不知道在哪个州我爸他们两兄弟还有间板厂。所以我爸答应了。 可能我在讲我自己故事自己爽,别人看了当然不高兴。我爸在马来西亚,帮了大家很多忙。什么忙,都是钱。我不要说我老爸是什么大好人。人都会犯错,大家都会有年轻的时候。我知道的应该就是股票,他每天晚看看早看看那崎岖不平的diagram.有年烧到手了,很多东西瞬间便得没有了。 开始落魄,卖的卖,当的当。变得不一样了。我老爸需要别人帮忙了。可是...

Double posting

P lease refer to the post below before you read this. This is just a updates for me. Yes, busy life is coming. I need to conquer it without any serious procrastination. Networking most tough subject for me now, Java again, feel secure with this, Oracle, database but with the command base, Suse linux, a new operating system making my computer have double dos but DAMN laggy Sofware Enginnering development, a theory part subject , my favourite. and last, intro to Drama. a interesting subject need to make videos, fun for me and people. Hope everything going to be fine. Last semester result was what i had expect, I know i not really put effort on it. No one to blame. Need to Work hard to get better result. Another things is I joined Celebrity fitness for a pricey amount for a student. If you want to judge me go aside, don't talk in front of me, really annoy me. I made this decision after a long period of consideration. In this 2 weeks , it really change my life fro...

1Day1Movie Get Inspired 4- The Switch

I wish to write down all the feeling before the though in my mind gone. Well, lot of movie watched recent, and some good some bad. I love to learn from the movie, inspired by the movie. Today the movie, "The Switch". First of all, now I"m trying to know the actor's name of all the movie because normally we won't care so much about the actor. I 'm quite familiar with the female actor because I saw her in some other movies too. Like "Bounty Hunter". It's a nice though. The movie today inspired me me a  lot and i almost cry out for this. Again a coward, always like a mummy boy. =.= The story is easy, no complex series, no terrify or fighting scenes, but a normally city life by some people. We know that as we grow up, we will have to study to get a good cert. And then we will get a good job as good as possible. after we have a stable life, we will meet someone who can share the life, getting married to build a family. That a life! for us... ...

1Day1Movie Get Inspired 3 - Charlie St Cloud

H m, for girls this is a chances to see handsome  boy in the movie. Even I am a boy, i need to say he is too handsome! Zac efron,  a guy same age with me. But it is a super star, but me just a really normal person. What  a huge difference. Today the movie is talking about a brotherhood love story. It's also have some mystery inside to make it more attractive. the story is based on  a novel where tell that a guy that have a wonderful life and future. And he has a lovely brother like every family. But something unfortunately happen that his little brother passed away in an accident. the guy keep blaming himself that he could not protect his brother. But something miracle happens, he can see his brother, because of a promise. And he also see others soul. With the tragedy , he can see the world by a different way. He gives up the bright future he has and work in grave. It will bring you into a mystery thing which is unpredictable. Ni...

Busy Life

I must say , this is the busiest week i had. Every time is occupying with a task or a work i need to do . no more  lazy nothing to do time. Although it is really rushing sometimes, but i feel full. I don't know how to describe myself. But it really happy for me to have a life like now. Appreciate it and hope i can used to the time like this. Apart from school, i need to done my work daily to ensure i can focus on doing the other thing. Gym is like a target for myself to increase my confident and it also release my stress. Because when i am work out there, i won't think too much on the emo stuff. ya, i need to sleep now which for tomorrow i will have energy to conquer my day . Hope you guys also have a life like me that you like it. Ciao

Healthy lifestyle

he is my target ,buahahahahaha R ecently people around me starting concerning their health. Maybe i go gym. I meat a lot people which always talking about health issues. And I learn many things now. Later post maybe i will show something which is useful to everybody. Maybe we are getting older, things may change, our body system may failure at any time or any point. We should take good care of ourself and have a better lifestyle to keep our body and mental health. Actually this had affect my wallet already . I will sign up membership in Celebrity. I also had spend money on some meals for healthy and gym purpose. I think this should be fine and i will work on it. I need to say about this too. Ya , it may affect my  study time that i go gym for 5 times a week. Furthermore, degree level sometimes may tough and need a lot of time focus on it. I need to have a well time management to handle the time between my homework and workout. Hope there will be a new ...