1Day1Movie Get Inspired 4- The Switch

I wish to write down all the feeling before the though in my mind gone. Well, lot of movie watched recent, and some good some bad. I love to learn from the movie, inspired by the movie. Today the movie, "The Switch".

First of all, now I"m trying to know the actor's name of all the movie because normally we won't care so much about the actor. I 'm quite familiar with the female actor because I saw her in some other movies too. Like "Bounty Hunter". It's a nice though.

The movie today inspired me me a  lot and i almost cry out for this. Again a coward, always like a mummy boy. =.= The story is easy, no complex series, no terrify or fighting scenes, but a normally city life by some people. We know that as we grow up, we will have to study to get a good cert. And then we will get a good job as good as possible. after we have a stable life, we will meet someone who can share the life, getting married to build a family. That a life! for us...

But for a neurotic woman, Kassie, wish to pregnant by herself with donor of sperm. His best friend, name Wally objects on what she is doing. But at the last she get pregnant with a help of charming sperm donor. Something funny thing happen , drunk Wally change the sperm with his own sperm unintentionally. Until 7 years, Wally found out that the boy having some similarity with him is his own son. He is in fear that hard to tell Kassie the truth and hate him. He found out that he is in love with her. He scared of losing the chance to see Kassie and his son. At the last, the secret exposed.

The story is easy, it's just like a joke of life. People may fear of something and forget how to voice out our own feeling. and it become the regret. Before it is too late, say I love you to the one you love. sometime is too early , sometimes is too late, but it better that you do nothing. that LIFE!

Can have a look on the trailer : http://www.theswitch-movie.com/#/trailer

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